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Read about our recommended beauty routine to give your skin a lasting glow. You are just seven steps away from more radiant skin...
Discover how the Mineral Body Lotion can improve posture and relieve tension in the body. “Fascia” is a term that is increasingly used...
Last but certainly not least, discover the last of our top tips for a lasting glow. Our ‘10 Days of Beauty & Health’...
Read our penultimate tips for glowing skin in our 10 day series. Our ‘10 Days of Beauty & Health’ offers practical tips and...
It's day 8 of our 10-day detox program. Read on to discover our tips and recommendations. Our ‘10 Days of Beauty & Health’...
An at-home treatment foot bath, Apple Muesli and much more. Read on to discover day 7 of the 10-day detox program. Our ‘10...
Discover our 6th set of tips for healthy, glowing skin. Our ‘10 Days of Beauty & Health’ offers practical tips and aims to...
We're half way through our 10 day program for full body, skin and mind health. Discover day 5 of the program in this...
You're 4 days in. Read on to discover more of our tips for healthy, glowing skin. Our '10 Days of Beauty & Health'...
Following the guiding principles of both TCM and western practices for you to try at home, find out what day 3 has in...
Discover what's included in day 2 of our 10-day detox program. Our ‘10 Days of Beauty & Health’ offers practical tips and aims...
Glowing skin starts from the inside. Discover our first set of tips for healthy, glowing skin. Our ‘10 Days of Beauty & Health’...
Finding inner peace can be quite a challenge, but we have the answer. Right now, we are all doing something very important. We...
How to detect the signs, understand the differences, and discover the best treatments. Skin redness is a common problem that many people face...
Discover the secrets behind our products and ingredients. We explain the most important beauty issues from F to S. F is for... Face...
Men's skin needs more than just a splash of cold water. The average man dedicates just seven minutes a day to their skincare...
Say goodbye to tired eyes with the Eye Rescue Serum. Our eyes are the window to our soul and they reveal a lot...
It's time for some questions with @SusanneKaufmann. We regularly collect your questions on our social media channels and want to answer them in...
Five skin conditions to expect just before your period. Red Patches There’s another hormone wreaking havoc with our skin here: prostaglandin. Broadly speaking,...
Encourage healthly ageing with our Age Preventative Skincare. Looking for anti-ageing products? At Susanne Kaufmann, we believe in challenging the notion of traditional...
Look to the power of natural skincare to enhance your beautiful eyes. "The eyes are the window to the soul." The words of...
Discover our beauty and lifestyle resolutions for the new year. Food for the skin: Don’t forget to nourish your skin from the inside!...
Your monthly hormonal changes can have a big impact on your skin. Here’s how hormones affect your skin and the products you can...
Discover the natural remedy that has been used for centuries to cure ailments. Susanne Kaufmann has been harnessing these positive properties of lactic...
It's important to understand and identify the differences. Here's how... One topic that comes up time and time again is the difference between...
Discover the benefits of natural sugar-based cleansing and why even your extra sensitive skin will love it. When it comes to sugar-based cleansing,...
How to protect your skin from the effects of air pollution and harmful sunrays. For optimum skin protection in three simple steps, look...
Treating the inside and out – this is our approach to holistic beauty. At Susanne Kaufmann, we see beauty holistically. This is belief that true beauty is...
Five ways to pamper yourself in the comfort of your own bathroom. Some call it “hygge,” others call it homeyness, and we say...
We take a look at why G-Beauty is changing the face of the beauty industry.“Made in Germany” doesn’t sound at all like it...
Our Founder Susanne swears by this cleansing ritual inspired by Traditional Chinese Medicine. There is much more to foot care than a regular...
Achieve optimal skin health with a highly effective multi-masking routine. Intensive results in just a few minutes – this is what face masks...
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