Cura della pelle per la pelle equilibrata

Supportare il delicato equilibrio della pelle con prodotti efficaci alimentati da attivi naturali, formulati per prendersi cura delle esigenze della pelle bilanciata; Lasciandolo idratato, calmo e sano.

Purifying Cleansing Gel
Purifying Cleansing Gel
Purifying Cleansing Gel

face, cleanser

Purifying Cleansing Gel

Klärendes Reinigungsgel
Refillable gel cleanser to remove excess oil and minimise pores.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 275 reviews


Siero nutritivo
New Formula
Siero nutritivo
Siero nutritivo

face, serum

Siero nutritivo

Natural retinol alternative serum clinically proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Rated 4.8 out of 5
Based on 170 reviews


Siero yaluron
Clinically Proven
Siero yaluron
Siero yaluron

face, serum

Siero yaluron

Hyaluronic acid serum clinically proven to instantly increase skin hydration.
Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 208 reviews


Olio detergente profondo
Susanne's Essential
Olio detergente profondo
Olio detergente profondo

face, cleanser

Olio detergente profondo

Tiefenreinigendes Ă–l
Silken oil cleanser to remove makeup, SPF and impurities.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 151 reviews


Invigorating Face Gel
Invigorating Face Gel
Invigorating Face Gel

face, day moisturiser

Invigorating Face Gel

Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued. Discover our collection for alternative options to meet your skincare goals. Created to meet the needs of... Read more
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 46 reviews


Esfoliante enzimatico
Clinically Proven
Susanne's Essential
Esfoliante enzimatico
Esfoliante enzimatico

face, exfoliator

Esfoliante enzimatico

Exfoliating gel mask for smooth and refined skin.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 233 reviews


Maschera bagliore
15-minute facial
Maschera bagliore
Maschera bagliore

face, mask

Maschera bagliore

Brightening cream mask for glowing and energised skin.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 172 reviews


Siero di salvataggio degli occhi
Susanne's Essential
Siero di salvataggio degli occhi
Siero di salvataggio degli occhi

face, eye serum

Siero di salvataggio degli occhi

Aktives Augenserum
Brightening eye serum to hydrate and smooth the skin.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 215 reviews


Lasciare il latte purificante
Soothe & Protect
Lasciare il latte purificante
Lasciare il latte purificante

face, cleanser

Lasciare il latte purificante

Pflegende Reinigungsmilch
Gentle milk cleanser to melt away makeup and impurities.
Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 180 reviews


Fluido idratante diurno
All Skin Types
Fluido idratante diurno
Fluido idratante diurno

face, day moisturiser

Fluido idratante diurno

Hydratisierendes Tagesfluid
Lightweight moisturiser to keep skin clear and balanced.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 138 reviews


Maschera idratante
Maschera idratante
Maschera idratante

face, mask

Maschera idratante

Comforting cream mask for plumped and dewy skin.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 167 reviews


Set di gel di pulizia purificata e set di ricarica
Valore 137€
Set di gel di pulizia purificata e set di ricarica
Set di gel di pulizia purificata e set di ricarica

face, set

Set di gel di pulizia purificata e set di ricarica

Klärendes Reinigungsgel & Refill
Refreshing gel cleanser and refill.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 275 reviews


Purifying Cleansing Gel Refill - 250ml
Purifying Cleansing Gel Refill - 250ml
Purifying Cleansing Gel Refill - 250ml

face, cleanser

Purifying Cleansing Gel Refill - 250ml

Klärendes Reinigungsgel Refill - 250 ml
Refreshing gel cleanser refill.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 275 reviews


Olio da bagno fiotico
Olio da bagno fiotico
Olio da bagno fiotico

body, bath

Olio da bagno fiotico

Soothing bath oil celebrating Alpine hayflowers.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 18 reviews


Toner rilassante
Toner rilassante
Toner rilassante

face, toner

Toner rilassante

Pflegendes Gesichtswasser
Gentle toner to soothe and protect the skin.
Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 205 reviews


Purifying Toner
Purifying Toner
Purifying Toner

face, toner

Purifying Toner

Klärendes Gesichtswasser
Refreshing toner to clarify and balance the skin.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 119 reviews


Moisturising Night Cream
All Skin Types
Moisturising Night Cream
Moisturising Night Cream

face, night moisturiser

Moisturising Night Cream

Hydratisierende Nachtcreme
Lightweight overnight moisturiser to keep skin clear and balanced.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 67 reviews


Siero complesso di vitamina C
Siero complesso di vitamina C
Siero complesso di vitamina C

face, serum

Siero complesso di vitamina C

Vitamin C Komplex Serum
Vitamin C serum proven to enhance radiance and gently fade dark spots.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 76 reviews


Gel per viso idratante
New: Fragrance-free
Gel per viso idratante
Gel per viso idratante

face, day moisturiser

Gel per viso idratante

Feuchtigkeitsspendendes Gesichtsgel
Hypoallergenic and fragrance-free moisturiser for sensitive skin.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 67 reviews


Lozione per il corpo enzimatico aha
Smoothing Body Lotion
Lozione per il corpo enzimatico aha
Lozione per il corpo enzimatico aha

body, exfoliator

Lozione per il corpo enzimatico aha

AHA Enzym Körperlotion
2-in-1 exfoliant and body lotion with AHA to smooth, illuminate and hydrate skin.
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 11 reviews


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Susanne Kaufmann ha trascorso oltre 2 decenni a sviluppare la sua premiata linea di cura della pelle. Al centro del nostro ethos c'è un rispetto per la natura e l'impegno per la sostenibilità. Scopri di più sui nostri valori sul nostro blog.
