Question Time with Founder Susanne Kaufmann

It's time for some questions with @SusanneKaufmann.
We regularly collect your questions on our social media channels and want to answer them in this blog post. On Instagram @susannekaufmann_ or on Facebook under Susanne Kaufmann can you ask us your questions. Just use the following hashtag #AskSusanne
Is Susanne Kaufmann a certified natural cosmetic line?
Susanne Kaufmann is not a certified natural cosmetics line, because natural cosmetics are subject to regulations that, in our opinion, exclude very effective, tried and tested ingredients.
In creating the Susanne Kaufmann cosmetic brand, we have harnessed the remarkable powers of nature to work in combination with science for products that deliver specific effects, without fail, and have been produced responsibly. As is often the case in natural cosmetics, the whole that arises from the fusion of ingredients is even greater than the benefits of its individual components. Many valuable plant ingredients are used in Susanne Kaufmann products: Meadowfoam oil, wild rose oil and jojoba oil, to name a few. Furthermore, the vitamin C we use is not synthetically produced, but is obtained from Schisandra berry. Our Pentylene Glycol is made from corn and sugar cane and is not chemically produced.
As an Austrian company, we not only comply with the European Cosmetics Act, but also with Austrian food law, which has very strict requirements both individually and in total. Since there is no state certification in Austria, we have decided, together with our producer, to subject production including purchasing to a state control, which is also regularly checked. Our production method is gentle and exactly adapted to our products, in order to maintain the integrity of the valuable oils and plant extracts. This means long and complicated production times, but no compromise in the quality of the plant-based, natural ingredients, which is not taken into account in natural cosmetics certificates.
We feel that many other key elements are overlooked by natural cosmetic certificates. For example, the origin and quality of the individual active ingredients are not considered or evaluated. Approximately 70% of our ingredients come from Germany, Austria or Switzerland. The remaining 30% come from other European countries, where we keep close contact to our suppliers. Ethical standards are also not taken in to account for certificates, however are of tremendous importance to us – we do not test on animals, nor do we sell products in markets that do.
Susanne Kaufmann is more than the name of our brand, it is the name of the woman behind the brand, a brand she founded firmly on the same principles she espouses in life and the rest of her work: a belief in the power of nature, in the importance of quality, and a commitment to sustainability.
I’m always told I need to be conscious of sun damage, especially in the summer, but I always love getting a bronzed glow… What’s the best way to protect my skin but still maintain a nice tan? #AskSusanne
Sunscreen is indeed very important and unfortunately often neglected. In addition to our Body Protection Sunscreen SPF 25, we also recommend a face cream with a slightly higher SPF. Including a moisturising serum, such as the Susanne Kaufmann Hyaluron Serum. Because, well-moisturised skin will last longer the tan. Also important for a smooth and long-lasting complexion: scrubs. Here we recommend our Refining Body Scrub that gently removes dead skin with a blend of fine sea sand and pumice powder, while honey and hyaluronic acid deeply moisturise for a velvety soft feel. After a peeling best apply a body oil that pampers the skin even more. Apply the oil to the damp skin, that means dab gently after showering and do not rub completely dry. Our tip: try our Pomegranate Body Oil that in addition to its nourishing properties also strengthens the connective tissue.
When I’m stressed, I have trouble maintaining a healthy diet routine, and I worry that that will affect my skin and cause breakouts and change in texture. How can I keep my skin healthy even if my eating habits may sometimes vary? #AskSusanne
When we are stress it often comes to blemishes. It is best to use a combination of clarifying and soothing products, such as the Enzyme Exfoliator and Purifying Clay Mask. Use this twice a week to help maintain a fresh complexion.
My under-eyes are super sensitive—even more so when tired. Is there a specific ingredient or product line I should look for that can help soothe and moisturise my under-eyes? #AskSusanne
Yes, there is a helper. Our Nourishing Eye Cream contains evening primrose oil, which is especially good for sensitive skin. Evening primrose oil stabilizes the lipid protection and the moisture balance of the skin, has anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
What’s the best non-invasive tip for anti-ageing? Facial Massage? #AskSusanne
Drink plenty of water and smoothies with beetroot, which is high in antioxidants and a true anti-ageing secret weapon. In addition, you should take good care of your fascia in the face, here we recommend especially Face Yoga and solid massages. As a result, the muscles are relaxed or activated and the face tightened.
What is the best skincare routine for your mid-late 20s? #AskSusanne
This totally depends on the skin type. But a gently cleansing at the morning and at night is always very important as well as enough moisture in the care products. Also, you should work in your mid-late 20s preventively against premature ageing of the skin, which means, use products with anti-ageing ingredients. Often underestimated, but immensely important: the correct and regular use of eye cream.
What is the best way to reduce cellulite? #AskSusanne
Unfortunately, there is not a miracle cure for cellulite. It is important to eat healthy, especially a lot of vegetables. Rather reduce fruits, as they contain a sometimes very high fructose level. Little meat and sausage, no alcohol and nicotine. Pay attention to healthy carbohydrates and, above all, a lot of drinking. This stimulates the lymphatic system. An activation of the lymphatic flow helps to carry off accumulated fluid in the tissue better. In addition, a lot of exercise is essential: Our fitness experts at the Hotel Post Bezau recommend a good mix of strength, endurance and stretching. Another tip from our spa: Wolfort Shape-Wear or Powerlegs in combination with our Toning Body Serum. Simply apply the serum, put on your leggings and go to sports.
Top 5 products to make buying into the brand easier – that everyone should have? #AskSusanne
Purifying Cleansing Gel, Soothing Toner, Nutrient Serum, Rejuvenating Eye Cream, Moisturising Day Fluid
What are your absolute no no’s for people with highly sensitive skin? (food, product or techniques) #AskSusanne
A no-go is too spicy and too greasy food. For treatments they should be careful that the massages are not too strong and stimulating, a better option would be a lymphatic drainage. For products, we would advise against anti-ageing products. The active ingredients are too concentrated here and could irritate extremely sensitive skin. You should also avoid strong scrubs.
Is an eye cream actually more effective than a regular moisturiser, how do I choose an eye cream #AskSusanne
A normal moisturiser is definitely not enough, as an eye cream is much more effective. The structure of the cream is structured differently and developed especially for the thin, sensitive eye area. The right eye cream is chosen according to the condition of the skin: for a dry eye area use our Nourishing Eye Cream, for puffy eyes the Moisturising Eye Fluid and as an anti-ageing care we recommend the Rejuvenating Eye Cream.
Are there special ways to apply cream around the eyes? #AskSusanne
We recommend a gentle fascia massage around the eye area. This helps against swelling and prepares the eyes optimally for the subsequent care. Did you know that all our eye creams can also be applied to the upper lid?
How often should one have a facial? #AskSusanne
We recommend every 6 to 8 weeks and every 4 weeks with skin impurities.
What does a toner do and why using it? #AskSusanne
Toner is the last step in your cleansing regime. It removes the limescale from tap water and neutralizes the ph value of the skin. When applying serums or concentrates, make sure that the skin is still slightly moist, as this allows the active ingredients to better absorb the subsequent care.
I would like to know what you recommend for milia? #AskSusanne
If you have milia you definitely visit a cosmetician. Patients should not treat this type of skin problem alone at home. For removal of milia or even in preparation for a cosmetic treatment you should worked with steam in any case, to open the pores. As a follow-up for at home we recommend our Purifying Clay Mask as well as the Purifying Toner.
I have acne-prone skin in the chin area. Of course, this is especially the case in the second half of the cycle. Which products are particularly suitable for the treatment? #AskSusanne
Steaming opens the pores. We recommend to use our Enzyme Exfoliator while steaming. Apply this and steam about 7 minutes. Thereafter, apply our Purifying Toner selectively and then Purifying Clay Mask and let work this combination overnight. Cucumber extract and corn oil ensure that the mask does not dry out and that it can be left to soak on the skin a little longer.
Would you ever make a BB cream? #AskSusanne
Possibly. It’s not at the top of our list of current product development projects but we’re always thinking about our next steps.
Are you planning on releasing a perfume for the brand? #AskSusanne
Yes, our product development team is currently working on a Susanne Kaufmann scent. We look forward to surprising you with what we’ve got in store this year.
Your couperose Protection serum is the only product that has ever helped my rosacea! What other remedies or products do you recommend for those of us suffering from rosacea? #AskSusanne
For some targeted skincare we recommend our Enzyme Exfoliator as it is very gentle, even to sensitive skin. In addition to the Protection Serum we recommend using the Moisturising Mask twice a week to complement your current skincare routine.
I feel living in a big urban hub takes a toll on my skin—between pollution, differences in weather, and other factors. How can I make sure the city doesn’t get under my skin? #AskSusanne
There are different ways, on how to counter air pollution and other environmental impacts. Particularly important is a daily cleanse in the morning and evening. We recommend double-cleansing: First remove make up with a Soothing Cleansing Milk, then use Purifying Cleansing Gel to cleanse your face thoroughly. It is very important to finish the cleansing ritual with a tonic. It removes chalk residues coming from water and prepares the skin for the following skin care. Depending on the season additional actions should be considered like good sun protection or an ampoule treatment in the winter time like the Pollution Skin Defence System. In the summer time the air pollution is often lower, while radiation exposure is increased. Whereas in the winter, the skin is discomforted by smog.
Extraction – good or bad for your skin? I keep seeing mixed opinions about this. #AskSusanne
When the extraction is carried out by a professional cosmetician and in accordance to appropriate preparation (e.g. steam bath), it is definitely recommended. But in advance, it is more important to make sure that no impurities and clogged pores appear. Here, it is of importance to use the right cleanser and skin care.
Can you mix ’n’ match skincare brands? #AskSusanne
The skin will thank you, if you have some kind of red thread in your skin care routine. Especially, when using high end plant-based cosmetics it is easier for the skin to get used to special ingredients and thus obtain the optimal result.
What does Susanne think of retinoids? #AskSusanne
Retinoids are produced chemically. If not used professionally, they can harm the skin, making it dry and flaky. We are a natural skin care brand, therefore, we only work with natural vitamin A and think, there are enough effective substances in nature, which substitute retinoids.
Why do different skin care lines for men and women exist? #AskSusanne
Men’s skin is much thicker, more oily and larger-pored. In addition to that, daily shaving irritates the skin, why special care is needed. A beard hair can be as resistant as copper wire and therefore the skin can be quickly irritated and easily injured. On the contrary, women’s skin is more prone to fine lines and is thinner in general. Therefore, we offer different products for men and women: The men’s line is aimed at the above-named needs and also has a different lipid structure in order to supply the thicker skin with the right ingredients. The products in the women’s line focus more on moisturising the skin, anti-pollution and natural ingredients against skin ageing.
How should the skin care routine be adapted throughout the year (seasons, temperatures etc.)? #AskSusanne
Not only the seasons, but also other external circumstances can lead to a change in the skin care routine. A good indicator is the feeling of the skin after cleansing: If the skin feels irritated, oily or dry, the skin care should be adapted. Dry skin doesn’t necessarily mean, that it is summer and hot outside, it can also mean a lack of hydration, stress or something similar. Is it actually dry skin or is it only a feeling of tightness after cleansing? We recommend to always consult a professional in order to adjust your skin care to your skin’s needs. Moreover, you should take care of a balanced moisture level: from the inside and outside. From the inside: Drink a lot of water and add moisture-rich food to your meals like cucumbers in the summer or pears in the winter. Healthy and fresh food, preferably seasonal and regional, is important for the whole organism, from the inside and out. From the outside you can ensure to use skin care products with moisturising ingredients e.g. hyaluronic acid.
How would a Susanne Kaufmann Starter kit look like? I am impressed by your product portfolio. #AskSusanne
Skin condition and age are crucial, but if we would have to make a kit that fits nearly everybody: Purifying Cleansing Gel, Soothing Toner, Rejuvenating Eye Cream, Moisturising Day Fluid... and as an add on the Nutrient Serum, the Enzyme Exfoliator and the Hydrating Mask.
When does your skin actually start ageing? When do you need to up the ante and invest in ageing products? #AskSusanne
Many studies speak of an age from 25 years on. However, this is dependent on different factors. Certainly, the skin and the cellular process change in the age from 20 to 30 years. It is our opinion that prevention is a great support. A good eye cream can easily be used from the early/ mid-twenties. It also makes sense to invest in good skin cleansing products in an early stage.
Do face rollers work? #AskSusanne
Yes, using the roller regularly strengthens the muscles, improves the blood circulation and reduces slags. At Susanne Kaufmann, we use a Face Roller to cool the skin and activate meridians. It also closes the pores after a treatment and activates the cell metabolism.
What do you think of face cupping? Does it work? #AskSusanne
It is a good opportunity to give the skin a tighter and radiant look. However, Face cupping should always be performed by specially trained cosmeticians in order to prevent bruises and tissue damages.
What are must-have skin care products for travelling? #AskSusanne
Hyaluron Serum, Lip Balm, Hydrating Mask, Rejuvenating Eye Cream.
The best tips for allergies? #AskSusanne
Knowing exactly which allergies you have and using products matched to the specific needs. This is the way to avoid allergies. As this question has already appeared several times and more and more people suffer from intolerances, we made a separate blog entry on that topic.
Multi Masking – yes or no and why? #AskSusanne
The aim of multi masking is to achieve a treatment that is custom made for every skin type and skin problematic. Multi masking is perfect for this. You can effectively reach and improve a certain skin appearance (t-zone e.g. clarifying, cheeks more moisturising).
How does your evening routine look like, Susanne? #AskSusanne
Often, I have meet & greets in the evening with guests in my hotel and then I arrive at home at 9/ 9:30 pm at home. When I am lucky, I am home around 7 pm and have dinner together with my family. Afterwards I go into my bathroom, light a candle and play music (my husband is a musician; therefore, music plays a big role in my life). My favorite products are the Enzyme Exfoliator, the Rejuvenating Eye Cream and the Ampoule Pollution Skin Defence System. Thankfully, I have very good skin, but mostly stress and lack of sleep affect my skin condition. If I have time (mostly on Sundays), I love a peeling and mask. I love bath and bath essences. This is why they are a big part in my cosmetic line. Afterwards I always change into comfier clothes and spend time with my family.
I am afraid, my moisturising skin care leads to impurities. How can I find the right moisturiser for my skin type? #AskSusanne
Define your skin type. There are moisturising skin care products with more or less lipid percentage. If the skin feels oily after cleansing or if it becomes shiny very quickly, try a mattifying face gel. Also, a matching tonic, like the Purifying Toner, can help, that the skin doesn’t get greasy.
My skin gets worn out from wearing make-up, especially if I do so for a number of days in a row. What’s the best tip to make sure your skin doesn’t get worn out from the use of make-up? #AskSusanne
Very good cleansing is a must - in the morning as well as in the evening. In the evening, we recommend Double-Cleansing: First remove make up with the Soothing Cleansing Milk or the Deep Cleansing Oil, then use Purifying Cleansing Gel to cleanse your face thoroughly. It is also important to finish the cleansing ritual with a tonic. It removes chalk residues coming from water and prepares the skin for the following skin care. It is also important to pay attention to a balanced pH-level: A constant acidification is harmful for body and skin, as bacteria are more likely to grow in acid surroundings. Therefore, it is very important to neutralize the pH-value and create an alkaline milieu. In our Alkaline Facial Treatment for example we use a deacidifying fleece mask: The fleece mask is laid in alkaline water (water + Susanne Kaufmann Alkali Salts) and is placed on the face for about 15-20 minutes. It works deacidifying und helps the skin to get back into its natural balance. At home you can easily recreate it with thin cotton flannels.